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Motivation Book To Success 1.1
Mastermind App
You need motivation to achieve your goals.Are you constantly baffled by what you DIDN'T get done? Well, alot of it has to do with your ability to stay motivated. Maybe youshould look carefully at the way you try to motivate yourself toget the things you want and even need. One of the key success ofself improvement is mastering self motivation.If you're wandering around in life, becoming a creature ofhabit, not having to THINK because your very existence has been setinto a perpetual motion, why WOULD you be motivated to DOanything?But, you can learn all about the SECRETS that really changepeople's habits, attitudes and even beliefs about themselves. Startmaximizing the power you already have but haven't mastered yet!Become THE PERSON WHO MOVES WITH CONVICTION AND ENERGY throughlife.Download the 77 Ways To Get Motivated Quickly Book for freetoday and start to boost your motivation.
Law of Attraction Mind Power 1.2
Mastermind App
Some of the greatest men and women throughout history have knownthe secrets of using the power of thoughts. They use the powerwithin their minds to manifest their dreams, plucking them from theinner depth of the subconscious and bringing them to life in theirfull color glory using nothing more than the power of the minds andthe energy created by their thoughts and emotions using Law ofAttraction.This is an example mind power firmly rooted in scientific fact.The laws of physics applied to the metaphysical to create theperfect blend of fact and idea. A universal law finally discoveredand brought into play for the men and women of earth, applying toeveryone, regardless of their age, gender or race, and carryingwith it guaranteed results!It's the law of attraction, a law that has governed the workingsof nature since the beginning of time and has been speculated uponnearly as long, but has not been studied and taught to the generalpublic in enough depth for them to be able to put it to good use;that is, until now. You can now tapped into the subconsciousmind.The law of attraction is a law based upon the idea that theenergy given off by a person's mind, whether it be good or bad,will draw like energy to it. This means that by encouraging theirminds to give off good energy waves an individual would be able todraw positive energy waves out of the universe to make good thingshappen for them.What can the law of attraction do for you? The possibilities areendless; there really are no limitations on the positive changesthe law of attraction can bring into your life. Use the power ofthoughts.There is so much that can be done with the law of attraction,and yet so many people do not realize the power they hold at theirfingertips! So much suffering could be averted if the peopleinvolved only knew the power they have hidden within their ownminds!The law of attraction is the best kept secret of some of therichest men and women in the world. Now you can learn to use it toyour advantage too.Download the Law of Attraction: The Power of Thoughts app forfree today.
Mind Visualization Secrets 1.1
Mastermind App
Creative visualization is one of the best-kept secrets of theworld's most successful people to tap into mind power. It is a veryeffective technique; but unfortunately, not all people are giventhe chance to experience its power.Several self improvement studies have shown that the mind hasthe ability to act as a different entity on its own -- it possessessomething so powerful it can make and break things for you.Everything that has ever happened and will happen to you,whether in the past or in the near future, are all caused by yourmind in one way or another. Some call it Law of Attraction or thepower of the sub-conscious mind. And that's just one proof of howpowerful your mind can really be.Every time you think, your mind emits energy. That energy, inturn, can be transformed into something tangible – something real.And this is what creative visualization is all about.Get your key to a better life, to achieve self improvementsuccess. Learn creative visualization today and visualize your wayto anything you desire to be, do, or have.Download the Getting What You Want in Your Life WithVisualization Secrets app for free today!
Anger Management Hypnosis App 1.0
Mastermind App
About Anger Management Fix HypnosisThe Anger Management Fix Hypnosis is created by ElizabethHarford, licensed UCM minister since 1993 and certifiedhypnotherapist by the "The National Guild Of Hypnotists" in2001.Everyone has gotten angry at some time in their life. Whether itis something someone said, a look they gave, or a negative action.It happens. But, different people handle these situationsdifferently. Some are very calm and just blow it off and don't goaround that person anymore. Some cry. And some blow up if you justlook at them the wrong way! One little glance or word can triggersomeone with a bad temper. This can lead to violence. It also cancause others to feel fear and/or panic. You can never know what toexpect.An anger problem could have been present since childhood. It canbe from jealousy, insecurity or losses. Maybe you feel like afailure, or as if you never get a break. Maybe it seems that nomatter how hard you work you can never get ahead, and the rich justkeep getting richer. The anger builds up inside you and you take itout on everyone.Hurting especially the ones you love the most. You do notrealize what you are doing to those that love you. The hurt youcause can create lifetime scars, not only on the outside, butinside as well.The angry person knows it is wrong.They can't stand it and they don't want to be like that. Theymay apologize over and over, but they always do it again.It is a habit that has been there for probably a very, very longtime. They want to change but usually don't know how.This is where Hypnosis comes into the picture. This is a deeprooted issue that started way back when. This person knows theywant to change deep inside, but does not know how to begin.Counseling may help, but that little bit of doubt could still bethere. Hypnosis sets the mind to take action.It puts that positive thought in place deep and secure. Youlearn to change your way of thinking, and to be in total control ofyour life. You'll have better self-esteem and confidence.You make the change yourself with hypnosis.You feel great and reap the rewards.You will be changing every aspect of your life and surroundingsto the way you like them.You will take charge of your life.You will become that loving, caring, mature person that you knowyou are. Letting the world see the real you.This hypnosis audio used to be sold in a CD for $30 but you cannow get it for free.Download Anger Management Fix Hypnosis App today.***********************************What Is Hypnosis In General***********************************Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility, allowing thesubconscious mind to accept suggestions easily, while in hypnosis.Habits that one has had for a long time can be eliminatedaltogether, or they can be changed to healthier and more beneficialchoices.Hypnosis has highly positive results. In fact, scientists saythat we use less than 10% of our potential - that being ourconscious mind-- the other 90% being our subconscious mind.Hypnosis taps into the subconscious mind, unlocking it. Getting ridof the habits and problems and replacing them with new, positivelifestyle changes.Hypnosis can benefit everybody in every walk of life and proven.It helps to make everyone the best they can be at whatever they aretrying to change or challenge in life.Download the Anger Management Fix Hypnosis App today!
Stop Smoking Fast Hypnosis App 1.0
Mastermind App
About Stop And Quit Smoking Fast HypnosisThis stop smoking hypnosis audio is created by ElizabethHarford, licensed UCM minister since 1993 and certifiedhypnotherapist by the "The National Guild Of Hypnotists" in2001.Are you tired of that constant hacking cough or bad breath fromsmoking?Maybe you're brushing your teeth too often to try to ridyourself of bad breath or nicotine stains. All of the things thatgo along with cigarette smoking?Now how about the insides? Your lungs, your heart, your cloggedarteries? And that second hand smoke that effects your loved onesand everyone else around you?The list goes on and that's just scratching the surface.All these things you are already aware of; all this knowledgeyou already have!And you have probably tried to quit smoking too many times totalk about. Maybe you say to yourself, "This New Year's resolution,I am quitting smoking for sure!" Or after this pack or after mybirthday, etc, etc, etc! But it never seems to happen and you findyourself back where you started again, maybe even smoking more theharder you try to quit.You might have tried the pills to stop smoking, the patch, thegum, or even the injections, (ouch!) Only to put more nicotine backinto your system, or more chemicals to mask the ones you're tryingto get rid of. Not to mention the cost!You feel like a victim to cigarettes, and being controlled bysuch a small thing makes you feel weak.Wouldn't it feel great to gain total control of your life, yourbody and your mind? To quit smoke?Being able to say no easily and naturally to something that isout to kill you?You already know you want to quit and you know all of the waysyour life would change if you did. And you have tried everything.Think about that word for a minute... TRY... why not quit tryingand just do it!The Stop Smoking Fast Hypnosis App will give you both that pushthat you need to get started and the ability to stick with it, allas easily as flipping a switch to turn on a light.It really is that simple and easy, because that's all we'redoing.Flipping a few subconscious switches! And all you have to do islay back, and allow yourself to be taken there, to a place whereyou are smoke-free and feel great.You're just an hour away from feeling and seeing the future withthe smoke-free you in it!The Stop And Quit Smoking Fast Hypnosis App gets you to quitsmoking. The app goes into a cleansing process that feels greatafterwards. The cravings are gone! And don't worry, you won't beexchanging one bad habit for another, (like overeating).You can simply become a non smoker! Not only will you feel greatafterwards, but you'll also feel like a winner!You'll feel stronger with more of a positive outlook.You'll know now that you have conquered the smoking habit, andthat you can do anything you want -- You'll find this sudden power,so start making a list of all of the things you would like tochange and be happy!After downloading the app, you are just hours away from becominga real non-smoker!This hypnosis audio used to be sold in a CD for $30 but you cannow get it for free.Download Stop And Quit Smoking Fast Hypnosis App today!***********************************What Is Hypnosis In General***********************************Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility, allowing thesubconscious mind to accept suggestions easily, while in hypnosis.Habits that one has had for a long time can be eliminatedaltogether, or they can be changed to healthier and more beneficialchoices.Try The Stop And Quit Smoking Hypnosis App today! No more smoke.Start enjoying a healthy life and body.
Positive Thinking To Success 1.1
Mastermind App
A "New Better You" is just around the corner,are you ready to change your life for greatness?Your personal improvement attitude can turn a miserable eventinto a pleasant one; or a good time into a nightmare. Bycontrolling your attitude, you have the power to control anysituation and make what you want from it.In order to determine the best attitude for any given situation,you should take some time to decide the kind of person you want tobe, and the image you want to convey. You may be interested inbeing the life of the party, the quintessential sympathetic ear, orthe strong and silent type with the ability to take the lead at anymoment. Once you are aware of your true self, you can begin toadjust your attitude to match for success.Whatever attitude you choose, be sure it is a reflection of yourtrue self. Being true to yourself is crucial to the success of yourpositive thinking program.You have only one life to live, and spending it trying toemulate someone else robs the world of the person you could havebeen.How To Become Better In Life You will teach you some of the mosteffective techniques to change your attitude in order to changeyour life.* Discover ways for getting more done, and living life to thebest!* A laundry list of feel good self improvement tricks you canuse now.* Easy ways to start increasing your potential thisafternoon!* 13 new motivational ideas for your business and career!Don't underestimate the power of positive thinking with regardsto how it will affect your life for success and goalachievements.Download this personal improvement book for free today.
Automatic Motivation Hypnosis 1.0
Mastermind App
About Automatic Motivation Hypnosis For SelfImprovementThis powerful boost motivation hypnosis audio is created byElizabeth Harford, licensed UCM minister since 1993 and certifiedhypnotherapist by the "The National Guild Of Hypnotists" in2001.Perhaps you have been suffering from procrastination. Or is itfear of failure, or even fear of success?Perhaps just plain laziness! You could be going through a periodof low self-esteem, or you could just have so many things on yourplate right now that you simply don't know where to begin.You might even feel that it just seems easier to do nothing thanto actually get started. You don't have the motivation to getstarted.You are aware of the fact that you need motivation.How to get motivation?At times you may be able to visualize what great things yourfuture holds as soon as you get motivated and that motivatesyou.But the motivation, if it comes at all, never lasts.You fall back into your old habits. Then you feel guilty aboutthat, which only adds to the problem! Where will it all end?Wouldn't it be nice to wake up one day feeling good aboutyesterday's accomplishments and actually looking forward to thechallenges of today?Well, you can, and as easily as flipping a switch to turn on alight!Now you can boost motivation easily.It really is that simple, because that's all hypnosis does. Itsimply flips a few subconscious switches that are already there,just not turned on, (or off!), yet! And all you have to do is layback and allow yourself to be taken there, to a place where you aremotivated toward life and feel great.You're just an hour away from feeling and seeing the future withthe new, productive you in it!With The Automatic Motivation Hypnosis App for self improvement,you will find a new energy flowing through your body.You'll see yourself progressing rapidly into someone positive,confident, and successful! Stop procrastinating and get moving.Your future is waiting.Hypnosis simply works, and this app will make it work for you!It is very relaxing, and yet uplifting at the same time. And it cantake a problem you previously thought was insurmountable, and makeovercoming it as easy as flipping a switch!This hypnosis audio used to be sold in a CD for $30 but you cannow get it for free.Download Automatic Motivation Hypnosis App today.****************************************What Is Hypnosis In General****************************************Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility, allowing thesubconscious mind to accept suggestions easily, while in hypnosis.Habits that one has had for a long time can be eliminatedaltogether, or they can be changed to healthier and more beneficialchoices.Hypnosis has highly positive results. In fact, scientists saythat we use less than 10% of our potential - that being ourconscious mind-- the other 90% being our subconscious mind.Hypnosis taps into the subconscious mind, unlocking it. Getting ridof the habits and problems and replacing them with new, positivelifestyle changes.Hypnosis can benefit everybody in every walk of life and proven.It helps to make everyone the best they can be at whatever they aretrying to change or challenge in life.Try the Automatic Motivation Hypnosis App today. Start your daywith full of motivation.
Natural Stress Relief Hypnosis 1.0
Mastermind App
About Natural Stress Relief Hypnosis toEliminate Personal and working StressThis powerful stress relief hypnosis is created by ElizabethHarford, licensed UCM minister since 1993 and certifiedhypnotherapist by the "The National Guild Of Hypnotists" in2001.Stress can be caused by so many factors in life. And there areso many levels of stress, ranging from very mild to excruciatinglysevere. Stress negatively effects everything from your bloodpressure and heart rate, to your eating habits, ability toconcentrate, irritability with family and loved ones, etc.And all that can lead to low self-esteem. That in turn can leadto depression or anger affecting your career and yourrelationships.So what do you do about it? Avoid stress? How?You need to overcome stress. You need stress management.Everyday life causes stress! Things like waiting in line,traffic jams, work stress, being in debt, and even poor health allcause stress. The list of things that bring it on is endless.Learning about managing stress and coping with it is the key.Some people go to the extremes of needing drugs to relieve stress,and many choose psychotherapy. The cost and side effects of eitherof those can create more stress than they relieve! It seems like anever ending battle.Good news is, there's hypnosis to help reduce stress and managestress.Hypnosis trains the mind to relax more easily and handle thingsin stride, and it's all as easy as flipping a switch to turn on alight. It really is that simple and easy, because that's allhypnosis does!It simply flips a few subconscious switches that are alreadythere, just not turned on yet! And all you have to do is lay backand allow yourself to be taken there, to a place where you arestress-free and feel great.You're just an hour away from feeling and seeing the future withthe stress-free you in it!The Natural Stress Relief Hypnosis App will train you to handlestress in a different way. The relaxing way.It will help you learn the skill of deep relaxation, which is soimportant for stress reduction and overall health and well being.You can actually feel the stress leaving your body, as if it werecoming right out of your pores.Hypnosis simply works, and this app make it work for you! Theyare very relaxing, and yet uplifting at the same time.This hypnosis audio used to be sold in a CD for $30 but you cannow get it for free.Download Natural Stress Relief Hypnosis App today. You canmanage stress. Don't let it manage your life.****************************************What Is Hypnosis In General****************************************Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility, allowing thesubconscious mind to accept suggestions easily, while in hypnosis.Habits that one has had for a long time can be eliminatedaltogether, or they can be changed to healthier and more beneficialchoices.Hypnosis has highly positive results. In fact, scientists saythat we use less than 10% of our potential - that being ourconscious mind-- the other 90% being our subconscious mind.Hypnosis taps into the subconscious mind, unlocking it. Getting ridof the habits and problems and replacing them with new, positivelifestyle changes.Hypnosis can benefit everybody in every walk of life and proven.It helps to make everyone the best they can be at whatever they aretrying to change or challenge in life.Try the Natural Stress Relief Hypnosis App today!
Cure Insomnia & Sleep Disorder 1.0
Mastermind App
About Free Cure Insomnia And Sleep DisorderNaturally With HypnosisThis powerful cure insomnia hypnosis audio is created byElizabeth Harford, licensed UCM minister since 1993 and certifiedhypnotherapist by the "The National Guild Of Hypnotists" in2001.You are getting sleepy... You are getting very sleepy... What anice thought after a long, hard day! To finally relax, sink backinto the bed, and getting that quality undisturbed sleep your bodyand mind so needs and desires.But you can't sleep. Sleep disorder problem.Insomnia can be a major problem that disrupts your wholelife!The human body needs sleep and without it you are not yourself.Your thinking and judgment becomes impaired. Your moods change. Youmight become irritated easily. Do you even know all the ways itaffects your productivity?There is nothing better than a great night sleep!Waking up and feeling totally refreshed!Rejuvenated!Full of life and energy!The things you could accomplish on a good day like that. Nowimagine having that good day every day!Well, you can. As easily as flipping a switch to turn on alight. It really is that simple and easy, because that's allhypnosis does! It simply flips a few subconscious switches that arealready there, just not turned on, (or off).And all you have to do is lay back and allow yourself to betaken there, to a place where you are totally relaxed and ready fora wonderful night's sleep!The Cure Insomnia And Sleep Disorder Naturally Hypnosis App willpromote a deep, sound sleep with delightfully vivid dreams.Every muscle will lose its tension as you sink down deeper anddeeper into a quality sleep.Your mind and body will slow down simultaneously, instead ofbeing physically tired but mentally wide awake. Sleep better.Everything flows together the way it is supposed to, getting youback on track. Your body gets back on a healthy schedule and eachmorning the rejuvenated you is ready to face the world.Hypnosis simply works, and this app will make it work foryou!It's very relaxing, and yet uplifting at the same time. And theycan take a problem you previously thought was insurmountable, andmake overcoming it as easy as flipping a switch.This hypnosis audio used to be sold in a CD for $30 but you cannow get the ad-supported version for free.Download the Free Cure Insomnia And Sleep Disorder NaturallyHypnosis App for FREE today.****************************************What Is Hypnosis In General****************************************Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility, allowing thesubconscious mind to accept suggestions easily, while in hypnosis.Habits that one has had for a long time can be eliminatedaltogether, or they can be changed to healthier and more beneficialchoices.Hypnosis has highly positive results. In fact. scientists saythat we use less than 10% of our potential - that being ourconscious mind-- the other 90% being our subconscious mind.Hypnosis taps into the subconscious mind, unlocking it. Getting ridof the habits and problems and replacing them with new, positivelifestyle changes.Hypnosis can benefit everybody in every walk of life and proven.It helps to make everyone the best they can be at whatever they aretrying to change or challenge in life.****************************************FREE: Try the Free Cure Insomnia And Sleep Disorder NaturallyHypnosis App today! Start having wonderful sleeps. You deservebetter sleeps.****************************************
Public Speaking Hypnosis App 1.0
Mastermind App
About The Public Speaking Hypnosis App ToBecome An Excellent Presenter Or Speaker For Self ImprovementThe Public Speaking Hypnosis is created by Elizabeth Harford,licensed UCM minister since 1993 and certified hypnotherapist bythe "The National Guild Of Hypnotists" in 2001.Oooh, the fear of public speaking! Public speaking phobia. Itmay have started back in school when you had to get up in front ofthe class and read a report, or even tell what you did over thesummer. You would stress over it, even days before the actualspeech. And now you're carrying that same fear into adulthood.Only now it seems even worse, with that upset stomach, thosesweaty palms, the rapid heartbeat, and numerous trips to thenearest restroom. It may surprise you to learn that everyone hashad it to one degree or another, at one time or another, but thatseems precious little consolation when you have to make that speechtomorrow.The fear of public speaking can seriously affect your life.Maybe you just got a great job promotion, but it requires speakingin front of groups. You have a lot to say and know your materialwell, but you freeze up with fear! Or you may be avoiding a greatjob or opportunity because it might require public speaking?Wouldn't it be fabulous to wake up one day looking forward tothe speech you're going to give today?Feeling confident that not only is your content solid, but thatyour delivery will be flawless as well?Well, you can, and as easily as flipping a switch to turn on alight. It really is that simple because that's all hypnosis does.It simply flips a few subconscious switches that are already there,just not turned on, (or off!), yet! And all you have to do is layback and allow yourself to be taken there, to a place where you nolonger fear speaking in front of people and even feel excited aboutdoing it! You're just an hour away from feeling and seeing thefuture with the new you in it!the truth is, you can improve public speaking.The Public Speaking Hypnosis App will help you overcome yourfear of public speaking. You will hear the words flowing out ofyour mouth naturally, and know that feeling of accomplishment allpolished speakers enjoy after delivering a good speech. You willfind yourself looking forward to your next public speakingengagement and even enjoying the feeling of watching people as theylisten to what you have to say.It is just that simple to overcome your fears. Just open up theapp, kick back, relax, and feel confident, ready to face thosechallenges and fears you once had over public speaking. Become anatural!Hypnosis simply works, and this app make it work for you! It'svery relaxing, and yet uplifting at the same time. And it can takea problem you previously thought was insurmountable, and makeovercoming it as easy as flipping a switch!This hypnosis audio used to be sold in a CD for $30 but you cannow get it for free.Download Public Speaking Hypnosis App today. Start to become abetter public speaker.****************************************What Is Hypnosis In General****************************************Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility, allowing thesubconscious mind to accept suggestions easily, while in hypnosis.Habits that one has had for a long time can be eliminatedaltogether, or they can be changed to healthier and more beneficialchoices.Hypnosis has highly positive results. In fact, scientists saythat we use less than 10% of our potential - that being ourconscious mind-- the other 90% being our subconscious mind.Hypnosis taps into the subconscious mind, unlocking it. Getting ridof the habits and problems and replacing them with new, positivelifestyle changes.Hypnosis can benefit everybody in every walk of life and proven.It helps to make everyone the best they can be at whatever they aretrying to change or challenge in life.Download Public Speaking Hypnosis App today!
Cure Phobias And Overcome Fear 1.0
Mastermind App
About Free Cure Phobias And Overcome FearHypnosisThis powerful cure phobias hypnosis audio is created byElizabeth Harford, licensed UCM minister since 1993 and certifiedhypnotherapist by the "The National Guild Of Hypnotists" in2001.Do you have phobias and fears of any kind?Height, flying, bugs, animals, environment, speaking, thunder,spider, darkness, loneliness, pain, failure, rejection and soon?For example, you may be afraid of heights. It becomes irrationalwhen you work this fear up in your mind with all kinds ofirrational thoughts by imagining terrible things happening. Thefear can create panic attack -- you may sweat, tremble, shake, orfeel as though you can't breathe or swallow. You can have stomachcramps. No matter how severe, it all feels terrible. You can thinkyourself sick.Your fear can be elevators, flying, snakes, bugs, water, oranything. The list is so long and so very common.Fears can really put a damper on your life. You can miss out onmany wonderful opportunities and fun. Including your dream job.The good news is that fears and phobias can be overcome, even asterrifying as they may be to you now.You can learn to take back your personal freedom and enjoylife.You can learn to relax and to stay calm when you approach thesefears you have always had. Take a deep breath and release thatfear.You will be moving forward. After the first time facing it andconquering it, you will feel so good.Wondering what was the fear about all these years after all? Youfeel safe.You feel relieved and comfortable. And you'll feel a brand newindependence.That is what Hypnosis can do for fears and phobias.Hypnosis sets your mind to think a certain way. Get rid of theold unhealthy habits and bring in the new way of thinking andfeeling.Be brave and confident.Release all of the old negative feelings.Get your life back. Be in total control.It's a great feeling. It is a feeling of freedom.This hypnosis audio used to be sold in a CD for $30 but you cannow get the ad-supported version for free.Download the Free Cure Phobias and Overcome Fear Hypnosis Appfor FREE today.***********************************What Is Hypnosis In General***********************************Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility, allowing thesubconscious mind to accept suggestions easily, while in hypnosis.Habits that one has had for a long time can be eliminatedaltogether, or they can be changed to healthier and more beneficialchoices.Hypnosis has highly positive results. In fact, scientists saythat we use less than 10% of our potential - that being ourconscious mind-- the other 90% being our subconscious mind.Hypnosis taps into the subconscious mind, unlocking it. Getting ridof the habits and problems and replacing them with new, positivelifestyle changes.Hypnosis can benefit everybody in every walk of life and proven.It helps to make everyone the best they can be at whatever they aretrying to change or challenge in life.****************************************FREE: Try the Free Cure Phobias and Overcome Fear Hypnosis Apptoday! You don't need to live in fear anymore. A wonderful day iswaiting for you.****************************************
Lose Weight & Fat Hypnosis App 1.0
Mastermind App
About Lose Weight & Fat Now HypnosisforWeight LossThis weight loss hypnosis audio is created by ElizabethHarford,licensed UCM minister since 1993 and certifiedhypnotherapist bythe "The National Guild Of Hypnotists" in2001.Being overweight or unreasonable fat has got to be one ofthebiggest issues around. It seems like one of the hardest thingstoaccomplish, unlike the smoker, the drinker, or the nail biter.Theydon't need those things to survive. But you do need food everydayto survive. You can't lose the weight in one hour like theycandrop their bad habits.But, with Hypnosis you can change your ways of thinkingandreacting to food in one hour.Choosing the right foods at the right times makes allthedifference not only in your health, but in yourappearance,confidence and self esteem. It has been proven that allof the lowcarb, high protein, and other fad diets don't work.Medical factshave proven that 95% of the time they fail.True and lasting weight loss comes from within the mind. Youhaveto make up your mind you want to change - to wanting to loseweightor become thin. Shed off the pounds. It's all about yourframe ofmind. It is you that makes the difference!So how does one eat healthy? How do you stick to a gooddietplan? That is where Hypnosis comes into play, making itallpossible.You will WANT to eat healthy. You will WANT to eat at therighttimes. Because you know that's what works to keep your bodyfit andattractive. This is the only body you get! After all, if youaren'tthe best you can be, you suffer in every area of life,neitherfeeling your best nor giving your best. Your work willsuffer, yourrelationships will suffer, and you will suffer.With Hypnosis, you will learn to like your new habits andmakethe time to lose weight. New positive eating habits. Newpositiveexercise habits.You've all heard the saying "You are what you eat!" and there'sagreat deal of truth in it. When one eats fat all the time,theybecome fat. Conversely, when one eats lean, healthy foodstheybecome lean and healthy.And being a winner feels absolutely great! You won'tfeeldeprived at all, and you'll still be able to enjoy some ofthosefavorite foods. You will be eating real food, not munchingoncarrots and celery all day. It is eating sensibly, moderately,andat the right times.Join the winners circle and start losing weight todaywithoutdepriving your body of nutrition it needs, or filling itfull ofharmful chemicals.Hypnosis does work, and it is 100% natural and 100% safe! Itisall about creating positive changes. If you are seriousaboutlosing weight and gaining confidence, then let's get startednow.Start looking and feeling great. You deserve it!This hypnosis audio used to be sold in a CD for $30 but youcannow get it for free.Download Lose Weight & Fat Now Hypnosis App today tostartlosing your weight naturally.
Self Improvement Success App 1.0
Mastermind App
**The Self Improvement Success App isnowfree!**If you want to create more financial wealth, to breakyourcurrent limiting beliefs and to uncover new The Self Improvement Success App for freetoday.For the past 10 years, international speaker andbest-sellingauthor, Patric Chan has been sharing his experience andknowledgeabout achieving success on his blog, books, courses,videos and soon. He has been featured in a book with other authorslike BrianTracy, T Harv Eker, Dr. Deepak Chopra, John Assaraf,RobertKiyosaki (Rich Dad), Zig Ziglar and so on and co-author abook withRobert G. Allen.With this app, you'll get to access Patric's ongoing contentforfree on mobile.It also includes:* Ongoing success quotes that are selected by Patric toinspireyou for success. These quotes are also professionallydesigned withgraphics to enhance the level of immersion of theirmeaning.* The Energy & Focus Audio that uses the technologyofbinaural beats to increase your motivation effortlessly!The best part is, all of the content is delivered toyouinstantly -- you'll be able to start using them rightaway.Download yours today for free.
Body Pain Management Hypnosis 1.0
Mastermind App
About Fix Emotion And Body Pain Hypnosis AppThis powerful pain management hypnosis audio is createdbyElizabeth Harford, licensed UCM minister since 1993 andcertifiedhypnotherapist by the "The National Guild Of Hypnotists"in2001.Do you have any physical pain like...muscle pain, back pain, body pain, acne pain, wound pain,skinpain, stomach pain, chest pain, wounds, headache, givingbirth,etc...Or emotional pain like embarrassment, rejection, being hurt,lostof love ones and so on?It has been proven that hypnosis can control pain to averysubstantial degree if not totally, even the severest pain, asinextensive burns and advanced cancer. It works great fordentistryand child birth, too. Clients with organic pain problemshaveexcellent results obtaining pain relief.Until recently, nobody really understood how the mindrelievedpain.We know now that chronic pain feeds itself, creatingaself-reinforcing cycle that must first be broken and thenreversedto bring relief.Pain, we know now, is highly subjective.It's a combination of physical sensations andemotionalresponses. The longer it persists, the more dominant theemotionalcomponent becomes. YOUR emotional reaction to pain must beresolvedbefore pain can be relieved.This is where hypnosis really shines.Unlike other pain relief therapy, it has the ability totreatboth the pain level itself, as well as the emotional reactiontoit.It simply works! And once again, it is safe, 100% naturalandeffective.What would you give to wake up one day and no longer eitherfeelor fear pain?You can now overcome pain.Wouldn't it be nice to look forward to living each day insteadofjust suffering through it?Well, you can, as easily as flipping a switch to turn on alight.It really is that simple, because that's all hypnosisdoes.It simply flips a few subconscious switches that arealreadythere, just not turned on, (or off!), yet!And all you have to do is lay back, and allow yourself tobetaken there, to a place where you have control over the painlevelsin your body and your reactions to it. You're just an hourawayfrom feeling and seeing the future with the new, pain-free youinit!Important message! Hypnosis can be very powerful inalleviatingpain. But it should never take the place of a visit to acompetentphysician! Pain is often a warning signal and a symptom ofanunderlying disorder that needs to be treated. One shouldbescreened first by a thorough medical examiner to establishthediagnosis and recommended treatment. Then follow it!Hypnosisshould never be used in lieu of the doctors orders, butwith thedoctors approval certainly can be used in conjunctionwiththem.This hypnosis audio used to be sold in a CD for $30 but youcannow get it for free.Download Fix Emotion And Body Pain Hypnosis App to managepaintoday.****************************************What Is Hypnosis In General****************************************Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility, allowingthesubconscious mind to accept suggestions easily, while inhypnosis.Habits that one has had for a long time can beeliminatedaltogether, or they can be changed to healthier and morebeneficialchoices.Hypnosis has highly positive results. In fact, scientistssaythat we use less than 10% of our potential - that beingourconscious mind-- the other 90% being our subconsciousmind.Hypnosis taps into the subconscious mind, unlocking it.Getting ridof the habits and problems and replacing them with new,positivelifestyle changes.Hypnosis can benefit everybody in every walk of life andproven.It helps to make everyone the best they can be at whateverthey aretrying to change or challenge in life.Try the Fix Emotion And Body Pain Hypnosis App today. It canbeyour pain management solution.
How To Boost Self Confidence! 1.2
Mastermind App
Imagine having the secrets that instantlyputincredible power into your words and attitude -- this istheability to persuade and inspire others easily and confidently.Thepower of self confidence.It is possible for anyone to learn the secrets andskillsnecessary to unlock personal power and use thatpowerfulself-confidence to exercise control over any circumstancesandinfluence others in their personal as well asprofessionallife!Some of the most powerful self improvement tools tobuildconfidence and influence people and achieve new heights inlife aswell are just a click away - read the How To Boost SelfConfidenceIn A Week book. These secrets can conquer:• Fear of rejection• Fear of loss• Fear of failure• Fear of people• Physical stumbling blocks• Re-training "self talk"• Goal setting• Personal improvement successAnd that's just the beginning!Discover:• How to overcome the most deadly killer of confidence knowntoman... fear• How a few simple subtle changes in your posture can increaseyourconfidence.• How to set goals and be confident. Everyone says to do it,butwho teaches you how?• How to literally talk yourself into success.• Positive thinking power -- How to anticipate andovercomenegative situations before they occur.• How to establish your authority to convince others that you'reaforce to be reckoned with!It doesn't matter how high or low your confidence level isrightnow... these time-tested secrets are the quickest, easiest,andmost reliable way to boost your confidence throughthestratosphere!Download How To Boost Self Confidence In A Week app forfreetoday.
How To Remove Bad Habits App 1.1
Mastermind App
How To Free Yourself from Bad HabitsForeverwill give you the information and strategies you need tofreeyourself from bad habits forever. It's time for you to removebadhabits so that you can achieve your goals and move towardssuccessin career, business, relationship and health!Breaking bad habits is not as difficult or impossible as youmaythink. You'll learn how to replace your bad habits with healthynewhabits. Focusing on your new lifestyle is like freeing thehandtied behind your back—suddenly you have power to bring aboutthechange you desire.Download How To Free Yourself from Bad Habits Forever BookAppfor free today.